Caesar's Legion:
a decision where physically fit women can fight, but they must not be pregnant and must have an IUD within them (should exist right) so that they will not become pregnant.
Allow legate lanuis as an heir upon Caesar's death. Lanius can become a sort of great conqueror (think roman Alexander the great) in his path. he can also institute some liberal reforms (like a senate) but doesnt have to.
Yakuza faction:
A decision where Japan can be restored in california. this is the japan path. there are three branches: Imperialist, Democratic, and Communist.
Imperialist=Proclaim the Greater Empire of Japan (Battotai will play with the event). it's path focuses on militarism, imperialism, and an alliance with the brotherhood of steel.
Democractic=declare a democratic republic. It's path focuses on fighting raiders via a "Self-Defense Force", advancement, peaceful expansion, and diplomacy.
Communist= Declare the People's Order-state of japan (A reference to Burgundy). It's path focuses on control, conquest, and nuclear war so that a classless, moneyless, utopian proletarian society can rise on mars.
Now this is fun.
Holy Californian Empire: allow a man called Joseph Byrnes to become president and he will destroy democracy, declaring the Holy Californian Empire, and himself blessed regent. clocks included. his path can focus on destruction of all other factions, esoteric research, and bringing "Blessed king Ug-Qualtoth" to this universe. this will awaken azathoth and destroy the universe, resulting in an endgame. (this whole HCE thing is a TNO Reference, and you can sorta become the crisis in this path)
Historical Austrian-Empire inspiration: Form the Nevadan-Californian Empire by uniting California as Steven Hanson, and conquering Nevada. this will result in Hanson claiming himself Archduke, and having the empire split into two halves, California and Nevada.